CONSENT FORM / Toestemmingsformulier

Artist Information Sara Aflaki
Studio Address Van Coothplein 5, 4811NC Breda

A. Important Information

Please read the following information carefully and inform the tattoo artist if you have any concerns about your eligibility for getting a tattoo. 

Tattooing and the healing process may involve risks and potential complications, as explained to you. Aftercare instructions will be provided to help you minimize these effects.

Experiencing pain, redness, and swelling is typical during the tattooing process. If these symptoms worsen during healing, it could indicate an infection, and you should consult a physician.

Certain complications may relate to your existing health condition. It's crucial for your safety that the tattoo artist is informed, as additional precautions may be needed.

Tattoos are permanent, and depending on the ink used, they may not be easily removable.

If in doubt, postpone the treatment and seek medical advice.


Do not get a tattoo if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Are under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • Have a mole or a scar left from melanoma removal


Conditions that may carry a higher risk of complications include:

  1. Skin:

    • Any skin infection, regardless of location or type

    • Allergies (e.g., latex, metals, preservatives)

    • Abnormal or damaged skin areas, including moles

    • Active skin diseases (e.g., eczema, psoriasis)

    • Skin that has had plastic surgery or radiotherapy, including recent scars and keloids

    • A previously tattooed area that has not fully healed

    • An area where a tattoo has recently been removed and the wound is not healed

  2. General Health:

    • Hemophilia or other clotting disorders

    • Epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases

    • Known allergies (e.g., latex)

    • Diabetes

    • Autoimmune diseases

    • Immunosuppression and compromised immune system conditions

    • Sarcoidosis


If any of the above conditions apply to you and you still wish to get a tattoo, consult your physician for advice.

Covid-19 Related Additional Information:

  • I am aware of the enhanced precautions within the Tattoo Studio and will follow these guidelines.

  • I have not shown symptoms like coughing, fever, or a runny nose in the two weeks prior to getting the tattoo.

  • I have not been in contact with anyone displaying these symptoms in the last two weeks.

  • I have not traveled abroad in the two weeks prior to getting the tattoo.



  • I confirm that tattooing is performed under hygienic conditions with suitable sterile instruments and safe techniques, adhering to NEN 17169 and REACH, along with corresponding national requirements.

  • I confirm that a copy of this signed consent form has been provided to the client, who has been advised to keep the information.


  • I have considered the Important Information in Section A.

  • I am informed about the potential risks and complications associated with tattooing and understand the information.

  • I am not currently under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substances that may impair my judgment.

  • The aftercare procedure has been clearly explained to me, and I understand the actions I need to take and the precautions I must observe. I have received my own copy of the aftercare procedure.

  • I consent to the tattooing as described under the Artist Declaration, to be performed by the named tattoo artist.

  • I confirm that the tattoo artist may keep this consent form in their records.

  • I am aware of and accept the risks and potential complications associated with getting tattooed.

  • I confirm that the above information and statements are true to the best of my knowledge and are accurate.